KinderGarten Rozárčina
We provide rich and nourishing lunches delivered by a firm specializing in children food. We also emphasize drinking regime throughout the day (tea, still water, fruit squashes). The head teacher Hedvika Čáslavová, DiS. (Healthy food in kindergartens, Portál) supervises the composition of nutritiously balanced snacks that are delivered to us. The children that suffer from a food allergy or those who cannot eat some kind of food are offered an alternative. See below for a sample of the menu.
To drink: Still water, tea, fruit juices without sugar
We also provide vegetarian and gluten-free food.
Food allergens on request.
Monday |
Snack | Domácí jahodový pudink, piškoty, hruška |
Lunch | Zeleninový vývar s rýží, ryba Mahi Mahi s bylinkami, bramborová kaše |
Afternoon snack | Domácí avokádová pomazánka s tvarohem, houska, ředkvička |
Tuesday |
Morning snack | Babiččina máslová bábovka, Caro, hroznové víno |
Lunch | Soup: Spinach, Chickpea-potato stew with curry and vegetables |
Afternoon snack | Domácí řeřichová pomazánka s vejcem, mléko, chléb, rajče |
Wednesday |
Morning snack | Kefír, Bebe sušenky, banán |
Lunch | Soup: Dill with egg | Beef meat, tomato sauce, pasta |
Afternoon snack | Homemade tuna spread, roll, gherkin |
Thursday |
Morning snack | Domácí medové máslo, rýžový chléb, mléko, švestka |
Lunch | Soup: Carrot w. ginger | Natural lamb with rosemary, cous cous |
Afternoon snack | Domácí tvarůžková pomazánka, veka, mléko, bílá ředkev |
Friday |
Morning snack | Opečený toast s domácí a la losos pomazánkou, mléko, kedluben |
Lunch | Soup: Goulash | Mini hot buns, vanilla cream |
Afternoon snack | Kukuřičný chléb, máslo, Mozzarella, ledový salát |